
Kerrville Area
C of C

©2004 JCGraphix·All Rights Reserved
The information contained in this map has been derived from various sources and checked with the assistance of many persons and agencies, and is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. The publisher and its associates assume no responsibility or liability in any manner for damages of any kind arising from errors or omissions in the data presented herein. Changes that are brought to our attention are appreciated and will be included in the next edition.The maps on these web pages may not be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent from the copyright holder.
1 Bear Creek Scout Camp
2 Camp Arrowhead
3 Camp C.A.M.P.
4 Camp Cabo Rio (MO Ranch)
5 Camp Chrysalis
6 Camp La Junta (Boys)
7 Camp Loma Linda (MO Ranch)
8 Camp Maddox
9 Camp Mystic (Girls)
10 Camp Stewart (Boys)
11 Camp Verde (Site of 1855 Army Post)
12 Camp Waldemar (Girls)
13 County Park (Flat Rock Lake)
14 Cowboy Camp Meeting Grounds
15 Criders
16 Flaming Arrow YMCA Camp
17 Heart of the Hills Camp (Girls)
18 Hill Country Arts Foundation/Point Theatre
19 Hill Country Camp
20 Hill Country Youth Ranch
21 Ingram Dam
22 Ingram Murals
23 Kerr Wildlife Management Area
24 Kerrville Municipal Airport
25 Kerrville-Schreiner State Park
26 Kickapoo Kamp
27 Lost Maples State Natural Area
28 MO Ranch
29 Old Ingram Loop
30 Quiet Valley Ranch
31 Rest Area-SchumacherŐs Crossing
32 Star Ranch & Camp
33 State Fish Hatchery
34 Stonehenge II
35 Texas Catholic Boys Camp
36 Texas Lions Camp
37 Vista Camps for Boys and Girls
38 West Kerr County Chamber of Commerce
39 Wildgoose Mfg Big Horn Society Hdqtrs
40 YO Ranch & YO Adventure Camp